Blood Groups and Typing

Posted by VUsolutions Blood Donors Bank | Posted in | Posted on 12:34

Blood Groups and Typing

Blood transfusions were not possible until Karl Landsteiner first identified the major human blood groups -- namely O, A, B, and AB -- in a series of experiments in 1901 that earned him the Nobel Prize. (At the time, Landsteiner identified only groups A, B, and O; further analysis, two years later, revealed AB.)

The ABO blood groups are defined by specific inherited molecules, or antigens, that are present on the surface of red blood cells. Thus, one inherits either A or B antigens (group A or B), both A and B antigens (group AB), or neither antigen (group O). Conversely, a person develops a natural immunity, or antibody, in their plasma to the ABO antigens that are absent on their own red cells. Thus, a group A person has anti-B antibodies, and group O person has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.

If group A red cells are mistakenly transfused to a group O recipient, for example, the anti-A antibody in the recipient's plasma destroys the transfused group A cells and a serious transfusion reaction occurs. Because group O has anti-A as well as anti-B antibodies, group O recipients can only accept blood from group O donors. Conversely, group AB recipients can receive blood from all groups.

What Blood Type Can Donate Blood to Me? 
Blood chart with respect to donors and receivers 


Can ReceiveCan Donate
AB+can donatecan donatecan donatecan donatecan donatecan donatecan donateSame Group offcourse can donate
AB-can donatecant donatecan donatecant donatecan donatecant donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donate
A+can donatecan donatecant donatecant donatecan donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donate
A-can donatecant donatecant donatecant donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donatecant donate
B+can donatecan donatecan donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donate
B-can donatecant donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donate
O+can donateSame Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donate
O-Same Group offcourse can donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donatecant donate

NOTE: Distribution is different for every racial and ethnic group.    Keys:  Can Donate  Can't Same Groups

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