Blood Donation

Posted by VUsolutions Blood Donors Bank | Posted in | Posted on 12:45

Proper selection of blood donors still remains the most fundamental strategy towards minimizing or eliminating risk, and it is for this reason that several international organizations agree on the following definition of voluntary, Unpaid blood donation

Proper selection of blood donors still remains the most fundamental strategy towards minimizing or eliminating risk, and it is for this reason that several international organizations agree on the following definition of voluntary, Unpaid blood donation:
"Voluntary Unpaid blood donors are persons who give blood, plasma or other blood components of their own free will and receive no payment for it, either in form of cash, or in kind which could be considered a substitute for money. This includes time off work, other than reasonably needed for the donation and reimbursements of direct travel costs are compatible with voluntary Unpaid blood donation."
It is now estimated that up to 60 per cent blood collected worldwide is donated directly or indirectly through Red Cross and Red Crescent blood donor recruitment programs, which targets voluntary non-remunerated blood donors.
Today, out of a total of 181 Member National Societies, some Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are in charge of major blood programs at the national level. Others have complete blood services or are involved in some blood centre activities. Most are involved in promoting blood donation and blood donor recruitment.
There is no substitute of human blood, it can't be manufactured in a factory nor can animal blood be transfused to human beings. Therefore to provide safe quality blood, the blood donor service must have healthy, responsive and motivated voluntary blood donors to meet the country's need (2% of the population), aging between 16 to 60 years, weighing 50 KG or above and having no history of transfusion transmitted diseases, drug addiction or any major ailment in the recent past.
The blood volume in men and woman are 80ml/kg and 70ml/kg respectively of their body weights i.e. 5000 to 6000 ml of circulating blood. The volume in circulation required for routine work is 50ml/kg of body weight for both men and women. Excess blood possessed by men and women are 30ml/kg and 20ml/kg of their body weights. From the excess blood 7-8ml/kg i.e. around 350 to 450 ml can be safely donated without any side effects or weakness.
The blood donation process starts with the registration of the voluntary donor, which requires the donor to complete a Blood Donation Record with questions about his past and present health and lifestyle. This process is conducted in privacy. After registration the donor's hemoglobin (12.5gm or more), temperature, blood pressure and pulse is checked. A doctor examines the donor and answers any queries the donor may have before blood donation.
All the equipment used in the blood donation including the needle and the blood bag are sterile and are used only once for the donor, after which the needle is broken for safety purposes.
The donor is provided with juices before and after the blood donation. The blood donor after being recommended fit by the doctor for blood donation is helped to a comfortable donor bed, where the phlebotomist cleans an area of his 'donating arm' by a special solution. When the actual donation starts the donor only feels the 'prick of the needle' and nothing more.
The blood donation is finished in about 10 minutes in which the donor has to donate about a pint of blood; most people don't even feel the difference. Your body will replace the liquid part of the pint in a few hours and the blood cells in about 4 to 6 weeks.
All collected blood is then grouped and screened for HIV I & II, HbsAg and HCV to make the blood safe. The blood is stored in special refrigerators at 2 to 4C.
All donors receive recognition and their Blood Grouping and Screening results.
After Blood Donation, the donor can go back to work without any problem. Donors can return to give blood after 56 days of their donation.

Type of Blood Donors

Posted by VUsolutions Blood Donors Bank | Posted in | Posted on 12:42

Blood Donors Fall Roughly Into Five Categories
Voluntary Unpaid Blood Donors are persons who give blood, plasma or other blood components of their own free will and in return do not ask for blood or receive payment for it, either in form of cash or in kind which could be considered a substitute for money, including time off work other than reasonably needed for the donation and travel.
Replacement Blood Donor is a member of the family or a friend of the patient who donates blood in replacement of blood needed for the particular patient without involvement of any monetary or other benefits from any source.
Autologous Donors are people with rare blood groups or specific illnesses who donate their own blood for their own use.
In this type of blood donation, donor only donates components of blood.
Donors who receive payments for their blood. They are unsafe donors and their blood may contain viruses.

Blood FAQ

Posted by VUsolutions Blood Donors Bank | Posted in | Posted on 12:40

Blood FAQ
Many individuals and organizations believe that it is not appropriate to have health care based on the purchase of body parts. Even in countries where blood donation by unpaid volunteers is supported by the law and had been in place for some time, there are still shortages. Donor recruiters need to work more to ensure that blood is regularly donated by VUBD, whose blood is not at risk of transmitting infected. 
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A. Yes, It is safe.
• Skin is cleaned with pyodine and methylated spirit.
• Needle and bay are sterile. Used only for you. Needle is broken after use.
• PRCS staff is trained and experienced.
Q. Will I become weak?

A. There is no permanent weakness after blood donation. Blood volume taken is made up in 24-36 hours, white cells in 5 days and red cells in 21 days. You can safely donate again after 3-4 months.
Q. How much blood can I donate?

A. Blood volume taken is 350 ml. This can be spared easily as it is less than 1/10 of total blood
volume i.e 5000 to 6000 ml.
a. You have 80 ml/kg blood volume,
b. Daily use 50 ml/kg.
c. Reserve 30 ml/kg.
d. Donated volume 7 ml/kg.
e. One unit of blood = donated volume x minimum body weight.
f. 350 ml = 7 ml/kg X 50 kg
Can I catch any disease by donating blood?

A. No, as all equipment used is sterile and used only once___ FOR U!
Q. What do I have to do to donate blood?

A. You must be 17 years to 65 years old.
a. Your weight must be at least 50 kg or more.
b. You should be in good health, with no history of Jaundice or any other serious illness in the last 6 years.
c. Drink 3-4 glasses of water 2 hours before donation and have a light meal..
Q. What are the benefits of blood donation?

A. Blood donation improves overall health. All organs and entire body functions more efficiently.
• Blood donation reduces blood cholesterol, artgry clogging, risk of heart attack and high blood pressure.
a. Blood donors live longer than non-donors.
b. It is SADQA & ZAKAT of your body.
c. Allah rewards you for saving all humanity.
d. You gain tlic pleasure and nearness of Allah & the Prophet (PBUH) for your humanitarian service of saving human lives.
e. It enhances your self esteem and confidence as a "Life Saver" and a "National Hero"!
Q. When can I donate blood again?

A. Men after 3 months and women after 4 months.
Q. What should I do after blood donation?

A. The following steps are advised :-
• Drink at least one glass of water every 30 minutes For 2 hours. (4 glasses).
• Avoid heavy exercise including weight lifting and gym.
• Rest, ifyou feel tired.
• If you are dizzy, lay down with feet raised on a pillow.
• You can return to work aHer blood donation,
• Remember to hike iron and folic acid tablets every day for one month.
Q. Who will benefit from my blood donation?

A. The twin city hospitals need 2,50,000 units of blood/year. Your single donation of blood can save two lives. Blood is given to all the hospitals of Islamabad & Rawalpindi for the treatment of:-
a. Thallasiemia, Hemophilia. Anemia,
b. Cancer, Kidney failure, dialysis, liver failure in Hepatitis C.
c. Operations, child birth, caesarian. By pass, SURGERY, fractures etc.
d. Heavy bleeding in emergencies and read traffic accidents.
Q. How does Pakistan Red Crescent support the blood donors?

A. "Voluntary Non-remunerated Blood Donors are persons who give blood, plasma or other blood components of their own free will and do not ask for blood or receive no payment for it. either in" form of casli, or in kind which could be considered a substitute for money, including time off work, other than reasonably needed for the donation and travel". Blood donation is a highly appreciated voluntary act for which there can be no adequate compensation by man, however PRCS provides the following:-
• Blood Grouping Results.Blood Screening Results.
• Iron Tablets.Donor Card
• Certificate.6Surprise Gift!
Q. After donation, what will happen to my blood?

A. One unit of blood saves two lives. All collected blood is :-
• Grouped (A, B, O, AB Rhesus Pos / Neg)
•Screened for Hepatitis B, C & HIV/1-2.
• Preparation of packed red blood cells and plasma from one blood bag.
• Stored in special refrigerator and freezer at controlled temperature.
• Issued to the poor and needy.
Q. Does Pakistan Red Crescent charge for blood services?

A. PRCS is not supported by funding from Govt or International Aid Agencies. A certain amount of cost is incurred in the collection, testing and preparation of blood components, which needs to be recovered for the sustainability of PRCS blood services. Blood is free and charges are taken for replacement of blood bag and testing of Hepatitis B, C & HIV. Blood is provided: -

a. Free to Zakat deserving.
b. At Rs. 100, Rs. 200, Rs. 300, Rs. 500 and Rs. 700 according to the financial status of the patient
and place of treatment. 
Q. What is the procedure for getting blood?

A. Blood is provided on need basis without discrimination. You arc required to provide the following :-
a. Genuine request form from blood bank of hospital where patient is admitted.
b. Valid zakat certificate for free blood.
c. Cooler for transport of blood.
d. Charges.
e. You may be required to provide a donor during blood shortage in summer and

Benefits of Donating Blood

Posted by VUsolutions Blood Donors Bank | Posted in | Posted on 12:38

Benefits to the Blood Donors

Ethics. Many individuals and organizations believe that it is not appropriate to have health care based on the purchase of body parts.Even in countries where blood donation by unpaid volunteers is supported by the law and had been in place for some time, there are still shortages. Donor recruiters need to work more to ensure that blood is regularly donated by VNRD, whose blood is not at risk of transmitting infected. 
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  • Reward from Allah as thou you have saved all humanity
  • Sadqa and Zakat of your body

  • Reduces Blood cholesterol
  • Lowers the risk of heart attack
  • Reduces Ferritin level
  • Blood Pressure remains normal
  • Improves health
  • Blood donors live longer than Non-donors

  • Thalassemia & Leukemia patients
  • Anemia
  • Hemophilia
  • Cancer
  • Pregnancy with complication
  • Accidents and emergencies